2014年3月14日 星期五

顧翔羣《管艇書室學術論叢》....... 金純孺《外交工作回憶》姻婭

世界銀行司庫顧翔羣, 1900-先生, 1966年退休

危機時代國際貨幣金融論衡 臺北:三民,971
危機時代的中西文化 (三民文庫 124) ,顧翔群, 三民,1971


顧翔羣 《管艇書室學術論叢臺北:三民,  1973  (5)



金問泗 (純孺)著有《從巴黎和會到國聯》、《大戰中駐英四載》、《比王利奧波特三世退位記》(英文)、《顧維鈞的外交政策》、《外交工作回憶》-- 與其焦頭爛額而邀功,不如曲突徙薪而無功。---金純孺

顧翔羣、金純孺  姻婭
 注音一式 |ㄣ |ㄚˋ
 漢語拼音 y n y   注音二式 y n y 


 Richard Malcolm Weaver, Jr (March 3, 1910 – April 1, 1963) was an American scholar who taught English at the University of Chicago. He is primarily known as an intellectual historian, political philosopher and a shaper of mid- 20th century conservatism and as an authority on modern rhetoric. Weaver was briefly a socialist in his youth, a lapsed leftist intellectual conservative by the time he was in graduate school, a teacher of composition, a Platonist philosopher, cultural critic, and a theorist of human nature and society. Described by biographer Fred Young (1995: 4) as a "radical and original thinker," Richard Weaver's books Ideas Have Consequences and The Ethics of Rhetoric remain influential among conservative theorists and scholars of the American South. Weaver was also associated with the "New Conservatives," a group of scholars who in the 1940s and 1950s promoted traditionalist conservatism.

 Ideas Have Consequences is a philosophical work by Richard M. Weaver, published in 1948 by the University of Chicago Press. The book is largely a treatise on the harmful effects of nominalism on Western Civilization since this doctrine gained prominence in the High Middle Ages, followed by a prescription of a course of action through which Weaver believes the West might be rescued from its decline.

