2012年4月9日 星期一

Structuralism and Marxism(Adam Schaff)結構主義與馬克思主義

結構主義與馬克思主義 濟南:山東大學  2009 未討論結構人類學 主要討論語言哲學
不知道Adam Schaff已亡

Adam Schaff (10 March 1913, Lwów – 12 November 2006, Warsaw) was a Polish Marxist philosopher.



[edit] Life

Schaff studied economics at the Ecole des Sciences Politiques et Economiques in Paris, and philosophy in Poland, specializing in epistemology. In 1945 he received a philosophy degree at Moscow University, and in 1948 he returned to Warsaw University. He was considered the official ideologue of the Polish United Workers' Party. He was a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and of the Club of Rome.

[edit] Works

  • Word and Concept
  • Language and Cognition
  • Introduction to Semantic
  • Problems of the Marxist Theory of Truth
  • A Philosophy of Man

[edit] External links

