2014年10月7日 星期二

《愛的藝術》The Art of Loving

The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm (Nov 21, 2006)

弗羅姆(Erich Fromm),生於1900年,死於1980年,是美籍德國猶太人。人本主義哲學家和精神分析心理學家。畢生致力修改弗洛伊德的精神分析學說,被尊為「精神分析社會學」的奠基者之一。
我1971年在從台中到台北的火車上讀它,當時一定似懂非懂。現在讀它 ,處處是
《愛的藝術》The Art of Loving 台北: 志文 孟祥森譯 1969/1986
E. Fromm 认为:Jonah 情结源自缺乏爱的主动关怀(《爱的艺术》,页38)。这确实是另一个重要的诠释角度。 页35 转心理。[121]为了消除潜意.
Jonah, Book of :約納書;約拿書(基):舊約十二小先知書之一,約成於西元前 400 年,主題是上主的救援遍及全人類。 約納 Jonah 詳下文

中文本 愛的藝術 30幾年之後

The Art of Loving is a book written by Erich Fromm and published in 1956 by Harper & Row.
Fromm's most popular book, it was an international bestseller and recapitulated and complemented the theoretical principles of human nature found in Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself, principles which were revisited in many of Fromm's other major works. In this work love is presented as a skill that can be taught and developed. It opposes the idea of loving as something magic and mysterious that cannot be analyzed and explained.
Because modern man is alienated from himself, from his fellow men, and from nature, we seek refuge from our aloneness in the concepts of love and marriage (pp. 79-81). However, psychologist and social philosopher, Erich Fromm (1900-1980), observes that real love "is not a sentiment which can be easily indulged in by anyone." It is only through developing one's total personality to the capacity of loving one's neighbor with "true humility, courage, faith and discipline" that one attains the capacity to experience real love. This should be considered a rare achievement (p. vii). The active character of true love, Fromm observes, involves the basic elements of care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge (p. 24).
Readers will be disappointed if they approach this book as a how-to book. Rather, Fromm's 1956 classic is more of an exploration into the theories of brotherly love, motherly love, erotic love, self-love, and the love of God (pp. 7-76), and an insightful examination into love's disintegration in contemporary Western culture (pp. 77-98). We are starved for love, yet all our attempts to attain love in Western society are bound to fail. However, like art, Fromm observes that real love is possible with discipline, concentration, patience, and a supreme concern for mastering love (pp. 99-123).

