2011年4月12日 星期二

iSteve /ijobs

其實iPhone、iPad、iPod、iMac,....之中 很少是自家的蘋果原始品牌
所以下述的媚俗iSteve 有點肉麻風趣:

iSteve 賈伯斯自傳明年出版



一 生締造許多傳奇的蘋果執行長賈伯斯,過去雖然有不少人為他出版傳記,但內容多半未經授權。現在,在蘋果迷與書迷期盼多年後,一本賈伯斯親自受訪、並由知名 傳記作家撰寫的賈伯斯傳記:「iSteve:賈伯斯書」(iSteve:The Book of Jobs,暫譯),即將在千呼萬喚聲中,於明年初問世。

哥 倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)旗下的賽門與舒斯特出版社(Simon & Schuster)10日宣布,該公司已取得賈伯斯授權,將由曾任美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)與時代雜誌主管的艾薩克森執筆,內容根據作者訪問賈伯斯、 賈伯斯的親友與同事後,歷經3年編寫而成。


出版社表示,艾薩克森目前擔任美國亞斯平學院(Aspen Institute)執行長與主席,他曾撰寫的愛因斯坦和富蘭克林傳記,都有極佳的銷售量,此次請他來寫賈伯斯,「作者與主題相當契合,必定會是關於世界上最棒創新者的指標性書籍」。

過 去曾有不少出版社出過賈伯斯傳記,但內容多半未獲賈伯斯認可。2005年,John Wiley & Sons出版公司因出版未經授權的賈伯斯傳記 「iCon:Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act In The History Of Business」,結果出版品遭蘋果商店下架。




NEW YORK — Apple CEO Steve Jobs has finally agreed to participate in a book about his life.

Simon & Schuster announced Sunday that Walter Isaacson's "iSteve: The Book of Jobs" will be published in early 2012. Isaacson has been working on the long-rumored biography since 2009 and has interviewed Jobs, members of his family, colleagues at Apple and competitors.

Spokeswoman Tracey Guest of Simon & Schuster said no further details were available and that neither Jobs nor Isaacson would be commenting.

Many Jobs biographies have been written, but not with his authorization. He reacted to at least one book with active disapproval. In 2005, Apple banished works by John Wiley & Sons from its stores because the publisher had signed up an unauthorized biography, "iCon: Steve Jobs, The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business," by Jeffrey S. Young and William L. Simon.

Few biographers are better connected than Isaacson, a former top executive at CNN and Time magazine who has written best-sellers about Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. He is currently the president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a "nonpartisan educational and policy studies institute" in Washington, D.C.

"This is the perfect match of subject and author, and it is certain to be a landmark book about one of the world's greatest innovators," Jonathan Karp, publisher of Simon & Schuster, said in a statement. "Just as he did with Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Walter Isaacson is telling a unique story of revolutionary genius."

Jobs, 56, has had numerous health problems and announced in January that he would take his third leave of absence in seven years. During that time, he has survived a rare but curable form of pancreatic cancer and undergone a liver transplant. He appeared at a press conference in early March to announce the iPad 2.

