2008年4月6日 星期日

The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.

The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. (English Library)

rl ※文摘譯例※

Our enemy Cardonnel was turned out of the House of Commons (along with Mr. Walpole) for malversation of public money.

Source: William Makepeace Thackeray : « The History of Henry Esmond » Book 3 5 - My Superiors Are Engaged In Plots For The Restoration Of King James II



---- hc 案,


出處在卷三,Chapter V. Mohun Appears for the Last Time in This History



『亨利 艾斯芒德的歷史』人民文學出版社,1958/1997 p.484 (事實上本書因牽涉到許多英國史事 不為某些人所喜-- 它卷首引 Horace之『詩藝』:"…… 讓你的人物描寫徹頭徹尾地保持著前後一貫。")

Editorial Reviews
From AudioFile
Out of modesty, one supposes, the impossibly virtuous (and fictional) Henry Esmond narrates his adventures in the third person. Raised to believe himself a nobleman's love-child, he eventually discovers he is a legitimate heir. This knowledge he suppresses in favor of his near relations and benefactors, especially the Jacobite Lady Castlewood and her daughter, both of whom he loves devotedly, and one of whom he eventually marries. In the meantime, neither he nor his kin can escape the political, martial, and religious turmoil of Queen Anne's England. Published in 1852, this novel helped establish Thackeray as Charles Dickens's rival in popularity. Narrator Gordon Griffin, who has previously tackled both, here displays an enthusiastic sincerity that contributes much charm to his deep understanding of the tone and milieu of this novel. Though seeming to downplay the melancholy that seeps into the prose, he manages to convey it without letting it overwhelm the vigor of the writing. Y.R. © AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.

Wikipedia article "The History of Henry Esmond".

The History of Henry Esmond is a historical novel by William Makepeace Thackeray that was published in 1852. This work tells the story of Henry Esmond, a colonel in the service of Queen Anne of England. It is considered one of the greatest Victorian historical novels. The novel captures the events of the Battle of the Boyne and the Battle of Blenheim by the army of Marlborough.

Henry begins the tale as an illegitimate orphaned cousin of the Viscount and Lady of Castlewood, a Jacobite family. They gradually embrace him and raise him as part of their family. As he comes of age he joins the unsuccessful campaign to restore James Francis Edward Stuart to the throne. Eventually he comes to accept the Protestant future of England. He marries his mistress Rachel and emigrates to Virginia in 1718, where he settled into a peaceful existence.

The sequel to this novel was The Virginians, written in 1857–59.

The novel's anachronistic illustrations of the reign of Queen Anne, using contemporary (1850s) architecture and furniture designs, led to these being called Queen Anne style.

Thackeray was a frequent visitor to Clevedon Court in Clevedon, Somerset. He wrote part of the novel there and the house was the inspiration for Castlewood.[1]


  1. ^ "Clevedon". Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition Volume 6. (1911). pp.500.

External links

The History of Henry Esmond, available at Project Gutenberg.

另外一處The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.

A Colonel in the service of Her Majesty Queen Anne

Written by Himself




The writer of a book which copies the manners and language of Queen
Anne's time, must not omit the Dedication to the Patron; and I ask leave
to inscribe this volume to your Lordship, for the sake of the great
kindness and friendship which I owe to you and yours.

My volume will reach you when the Author is on his voyage to a country
where your name is as well known as here. Wherever I am, I shall
gratefully regard you; and shall not be the less welcomed in America
because I am,

Your obliged friend and servant,


LONDON, October 18, 1852.

談一下這位 Robert Walpole


rl :「經查名列英漢大辭典中的英國華爾波爾先生計有三位,一位因出生年代明顯不符,予以排除,剩下的兩位有父子關係,兒子為文學家,所以此段文字所述,涉案的應該是父親,因為他是擔任過首相的政治家。問題是:若因貪汙而遭開除,還能尊稱其為政治家嗎?是不是我對 along with 有所誤解呢?」

某善心人送 rl :「Walpole(1676-1745)
公認英國首任首相因他能言善辯,執政的托利黨決心對付他。 1712年遭到彈劾,以貪污的罪名關入倫敦塔 …1715年任財政大臣 …1730年左右是華爾波爾在政壇上的鼎盛時期。由於他在下院擁有左右選票的力量,國王任命他擔任各種重要的職務。 1734年出任首相。」

----- hc 指出 answers.com 有資料說明,這次入獄被證明是清白的:

In 1708 he was appointed secretary of war and later (1710–11) was treasurer of the navy. As a Whig, he led the opposition in Parliament to the Tory administration of 1710–14 and as a consequence was falsely convicted (1712) of corruption and spent some months in the Tower of London.


Walpole also left behind a famous collection of art which he had assembled during his career. This collection was sold by his grandson, the 3rd Earl of Oxford, to the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1779. This collection—which was regarded as one of the finest in Europe—now lies in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

The nursery rhyme, "Who Killed Cock Robin?" is said to be an allusion to the fall of Walpole (Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, ISBN 0198600887).

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